Today's Special Of a National Girl Child Day 2024


National Girl Child Day

In addition to addressing issues like child marriage, discrimination, and violence against them, (January 24) This Day raises awareness about girls’ rights. It supports equal opportunities in school, healthcare, and nutrition. Examine the day’s history, significance, and date.

National Girl Child Day

National Girl Child Day 2024

The government wants to highlight the values of equality and dignity for all girls through National Girl Child Day. This yearly celebration emphasizes the value of giving females respect and equal opportunity, supporting their education and general well-being.

Every year on this day, nationwide awareness programs are launched to promote the idea of girls’ empowerment. These programs act as a wake-up call to society about the importance of providing every female with equal chances and respect.

History of National Girl's Child Day (2024)

Since its founding in 2008 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, National Girl Child Day has been observed on the same day every year. The program recognizes the particular difficulties that girls encounter, such as gender inequity, barriers to education, school dropout rates, health problems, child marriage, and gender-based violence.

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