Bharat and India: Two Names, Sharing The One Rich History
Bharat and India
India, a country with many different cultures and customs, is recognized by two names: Bharat and India. These names represent the country’s diverse identity and heritage. This investigation delves into the historical history of these names and their linked significance in constructing a nation’s narrative.
Bharat and India
There is conjecture that the country’s name will be changed from India to Bharat, even though Article 1 of the Constitution uses both names interchangeably: “India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States.”
Opposition legislators have shared photographs of an official invitation to a G20 dinner hosted by “The President of Bharat,” rather than the normal “President of India.”
There is conjecture that the country’s name will be changed from India to Bharat, even though Article 1 of the Constitution uses both names interchangeably: “India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States.” In addition, numerous titles, such as the Reserve Bank of India and the Indian Railways, already have Hindi forms with “Bharatiya” in them.
Also Read : Swachhata Hi Seva
Why are the names Bharat and India used?
As we all know, the name India was created from the Indus River by Greeks who couldn’t pronounce the word Sindhu. The word Bharat is derived from two Sanskrit words. Bha() signifies knowledge or light, and. Rat( ) hence signifies devotion.
Indian Ancient Times
The term ‘Bharata’ is generally associated with King Bharata, the son of Dushyant and Shakuntala. Bharata was a Chandravamsha family member who became the Chakravarti. He is considered the Pandavas’, Kauravas’, Brihadhratha’s, and Jarasandha’s ancestors.
Bharat is described geographically in the Vishnu Purana. It goes on to state, “Uttaram yat samudrasya, Himadreschaiva dakshinam, varsham tad Bharatam nama Bharati yatra santatih” . It denotes the country to the north of the ocean and the south of the snowy mountains as Bharatam or Bharat. Bharatvarsha was also mentioned in Hindu writings as part of Jambudweepa.
Sadhguru’s latest ebook, “Bha-ra-ta: The Rhythm of a Nation,” delves into the physics underlying Bharat, India’s ancient name.